Dear Member
Notice is, hereby, given that the 155th Annual General Meeting will be held in the Bowls Clubhouse at WPCC , Avenue de Mist, Rondebosch, on Thursday, 22 August 2019 at 18h00. |
- Welcome.
- Apologies.
- Obituaries.
- Confirmation of minutes of the 154th Annual General meeting held on Thursday, 23 August 2018
- Matters arising there from.
- To receive and consider the Executive Committee’s Reports and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 May 2019.
6.1 Committee Report. 6.2 Finance Report 6.3 Club Captain Report
- To consider and if thought fit, to pass any notice of motion of which due notice has been correctly lodged in writing with the Club Manager not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.
- To elect the Honorary Club President and Vice-Presidents who shall be recommended by the Committee.
- To elect a Club Captain. The retiring Club Captain is Chris Boyes.
- To elect five (5) Executive Committee members. Members of the retiring committee are:
Duncan de Groot: Chairman; Shaun Fisher: Vice-Chairman and Finance; Bruce Cruickshank: Membership; Lenore Fuller: Grounds and Maintenance; Scott Fraser: Events and Marketing
- General
Notice: Members wishing to nominate candidates for election as one of the members of the Committee or as the Club Captain are reminded that, in terms of clause 34 of the Constitution, each nomination must be supported by a written proposal signed by at least five (5) members entitled to a voice and vote in the management of the Club. Such written consent of the candidate hereto must be lodged with the Club Manager no later than 6:00pm on 15 August 2019. Proposal forms are available from the Club Manager.
Minutes of the 154th Annual General Meeting held on 23 August 2018 will not be read out at the meeting, but are available for scrutiny by members on the Club notice boards and on the Club website from the date of this notice.
In terms of the Constitution, any person who has not renewed their subscription will not be allowed to participate in or vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Duncan de Groot
Club Chairman
Please CLICK HERE to view the Minutes of the 154th AGM Please CLICK HERE to view the 2018-2019 Annual Report